What’s been happening at Satya ?

Dear friend,

The past three months have been packed with activity at our centres! Picture above is from the outing to Matrimandir. We have tried a new format, a PDF version of the newsletter.

Our students are back, and we couldn’t wait! We are finally into our routine, with parents also heaving a sigh of relief. We were happy to inaugurate and complete many interesting projects that push the envelope on our understanding and response to disability.

The end of the financial year saw the inauguration of an inclusive anganwadi, to cap off a project we are very proud of, where an entire village came together to start on the journey to inclusion: the Sustainable Inclusive Rural Development project, in association with United Way Chennai. The enthusiasm of the youth was infectious!

Livelihoods was our focus for the quarter, with conversations around hiring in industry, with a live event in association with CII; and in the hospitality sector, as a webinar.

In March, we added another village centre in Marakkanam, Tamil Nadu, an area with an immense need for a centre like ours.

Our partners, parents, and students won many awards as well! While we were happy that we won United Way Chennai’s Best NGO partner (notable project) award, we were happier when our Pollachi centre head Ms. Savitha won the Role Model for Humanity award from Radio City, and happiest when our student, Ananya, won the “Sadhanai Kuzhandhai Virudhu” (Child achiever award) given by Nallore Vattam.

Lastly, to give a choice to our subscribers, the newsletter is in PDF format here. Please take a look and let us know what you think!

Warm regards,

Chitra Shah

Director, Satya Special School

« World Water Day » célébré chez Vudhavi Karangal

La Journée mondiale de l’eau a lieu chaque année le 22 mars afin d’attirer l’attention sur l’importance de l’eau douce et de plaider pour la gestion durable de cette ressource naturelle.
Il s’agit d’agir pour lutter contre la crise mondiale de l’eau, en appui à l’Objectif de développement durable (ODD) 6 : eau et assainissement pour tous d’ici 2030.
La veille c’était la célébration de la forêt.

Wiki : Objectif de développement durable n°6 des Nations unies


